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4 Signs That You Should Call Window Contractors for a New Installation

Mar 26, 2024

How long has it been since you've updated your windows? According to Forbes, your windows usually last about 15 to 20 years. If your windows are getting old or have cracks, it may be time for an upgrade. Here are a few common signs you should call window contractors for a new installation.

1. Visible Cracks

A cracked window tends to be unsafe. Whether it has small cracks or a large one, that's a window that can easily shatter, especially if there are high winds outside. Anyone standing nearby can easily get cut from that shattering glass once it breaks. Cracks also allow air to come in and to escape.

2. Poor Curb Appeal

Remember that your windows are visible inside and outside the home. When your windows have built up dirt and mold, cracks, and are barely sitting on the sill, it can make your home look unappealing to anybody passing by. Poor curb appeal may stand out negatively on your block and could even violate HOA regulations. Avoid being embarrassed when someone approaches your home by contacting your local window contractors for an upgrade.

3. High Energy Bills

When energy bills are inexplicably rising every month, your outdated windows may be the main reason. When your windows aren't properly insulated due to cracks or single-pane features, it can allow heat or cold air to escape. As a result, your HVAC system has to work overtime to make your home comfortable, driving up your utility costs.

4. Annoying Pests

Regardless of how well other parts of your home are sealed, insects and other pests can always come in through a window. Even if the window isn't open, they can easily squeeze through cracks, loose caulking, or holes. If you've noticed an influx of mosquitoes, flies, or termites, even with a closed window, it's time to have window contractors make a replacement before you have to call an exterminator.

These are just some of the reasons why window contractors should be on your must-call list. After all, windows are essential for protecting your home from the weather, pests, and energy loss. To make a long-awaited upgrade that can enhance your home and overall quality of life, contact 8:18 Renovation & Restoration today to get started with a free estimate!

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